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'Akauntan Menerajui Masa Hadapan'


'Memberi peluang kepada mahasiswa/i perakaunan untuk berinteraksi bersama badan-badan luar seperti badan profesional'


'Melahirkan mahasiswa/i yang berketerampilan, berdaya saing serta mampumengharungi cabaran arus globalisasi'


Friday, August 22, 2008

ACW '08: Well done guys!

Congratulations to all ACW '08 Organizer Committee! A job well done!

Special thanks to:

Those who involve either direct or indirectly..

..and last but not least....The Organizer Committee!

Thank you for your participation and support in organizing and making the ACW '08 a success program especially in promoting the accounting profession.

May Allah bless you all with His blessings.

See you in ACW '09!

ACW '08 Day 7

ACW '08 Day 7 (20 Ogos 2008)

Closing ceremony

How to write a winning resume

By: Mr Ang of ACCA

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ACW '08: Day 6

ACW '08 Day 6 (19 Ogos 2008)

“Accountancy Academia and Profesional Bodies in University of Glouchestershire, U.K”

by Miss Tan

Monday, August 18, 2008

ACW '08: Day 4

Time: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm
Venue: FEP, FST, Pusanika

ACW '08: Day 3

Forum: “Cabaran Perakaunan selepas 51 tahun merdeka”

Moderator: Andi Auni

Ahli Panel:

1. En. Muhammad Mustafa Said, Pengarah Pusat Latihan Akaun dan Audit, Akademi Percukaian Malaysia

2. En. Mohd. Nasri Mohd. Nasir, Ketua Audit Institut Penyelidikan Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan, Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia

3. Prof. Madya Dr. Romlah Jaffar, Timbalan Dekan Hal Ehwal Pelajar, Fakulti Ekonomi dan Perniagaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Pensyarah Jabatan Perakaunan

Taklimat oleh MIT


Prof. Madya Hajah Faridah Hj Ahmad
Miss Nancy Kaaur

Accounting Games: 'So you think you can talk?'

ACW '08: Day 2

Pictures from Day 2 ACW: Majlis Baccan Yasin dan Pengisian Rohani

VIP Jemputan: Dato' Zakaria Jaffar

ACW '08: Day 1 (Part 2)

More pictures during ACW '08 on Day 1.

'Meet the president of MIA'

Thursday, August 14, 2008

ACW '08: Day 1

Some pictures during the official ACW '08 opening ceremony.