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'Akauntan Menerajui Masa Hadapan'


'Memberi peluang kepada mahasiswa/i perakaunan untuk berinteraksi bersama badan-badan luar seperti badan profesional'


'Melahirkan mahasiswa/i yang berketerampilan, berdaya saing serta mampumengharungi cabaran arus globalisasi'


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

7 Quick Ways to Calm Down

1. Walk Away

Know your triggers. If a conversation about global warming, consumerism, or the trash crisis in the world is overwhelming you, simply excuse yourself.

2. Close Your Eyes

Gently let the world disappear, and go within to regain your equilibrium. Ever since my mom came down with blepharospasm (a neurological tick of the eyelid), I've become aware of how important shutting our eyes is to the health of the nervous system.

3.Find Some Solitude

This can be challenging if you are at work, or at home with kids as creative and energetic as mine. But we all need some private time to let the nervous system regenerate.

4. Go Outside

4. Go Outside

This is a true lifesaver for me. I need to be outside for at least an hour every day to get my sanity fix. Granted, I'm extremely lucky to be able to do so as a stay-at-home mom. But I think I would somehow work it into my schedule even if I had to commute into the city every day.

5. Find Some Water

5. Find Some Water

"Water helps in many ways," writes Elaine Aron. "When overaroused, keep drinking it--a big glass of it once an hour. Walk beside some water, look at it, listen to it. Get into some if you can, for a bath or a swim. Hot tubs and hot springs are popular for good reasons."

6. Breathe Deeply

6. Breathe Deeply

Breathing is the foundation of sanity, because it is the way we provide our brain and every other vital organ in our body with the oxygen needed for us to survive. Breathing also eliminates toxins from our systems. There are "Four Square" method of breathing to reduce anxiety:

1. Breathe in slowly to a count of four.
2. Hold the breath for a count of four.
3. Exhale slowly through pursed lips to a count of four.
4. Rest for a count of four (without taking any breaths).
5. Take two normal breaths.
6. Start over again with number one.

7. Listen to Music

7. Listen to Music

cross the ages, music has been used to soothe and relax.

"Softly, deftly, music shall caress you, Feel it, hear it, secretly possess you..."

The gorgeous song--like all good music--could stroke that tender place within us that words couldn't get to.

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