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'Akauntan Menerajui Masa Hadapan'


'Memberi peluang kepada mahasiswa/i perakaunan untuk berinteraksi bersama badan-badan luar seperti badan profesional'


'Melahirkan mahasiswa/i yang berketerampilan, berdaya saing serta mampumengharungi cabaran arus globalisasi'


Thursday, April 15, 2010

The most difficult person to FACE in life is yourself.

A GRATEFUL heart is the cure for loneliness.

Do not judge the FUTURE by the past.

Never stop reaching for the GOAL in front.

Hold on to your BELIEF, then you will overcome difficulties.

TRIVIALITIES* can accumulate to an important episode.

Kind DEEDS can bring good returns.

DREAM is our motivation in life.

WISDOM is to understand that the world is ever-changing.

SINCERITY is a natural spring of water.

Danger brings us TRUE friends.

SMILE is the first step of a new life.

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